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I started building web pages, as many people do, with my own. I began without any knowledge of HTML coding, no formal training and no 'page building software' to guide me along the way.
At first I was working from a computer at the local library where I could only be online for 30 minutes at a time*. Once the 'internet bug' bit, I went online at home with WebTV and continued building my pages from the comfort of my home. However, I was still typing the HTML by hand, and learning along the way. I am still learning, which is why I enjoy building web pages and why my pricing methods are very unique.
* - Note:
All of my original sites (several hundred pages/files) were all built 'on-line' in the space given by the free providers where the sites were located.
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I still build homepages sans software, typing in each piece of the code myself. Having viewed (and tested) quite a few software-built pages, I have discovered that while mine may not be quite as ',' they are compatable with most browsers (including WebTV - which can crash when over-teched pages are accesssed), relatively quick-loading (I, personally, have been known to 'surf-on-by' sites that take forever to load) and interesting to view (of course, the content has to be good, too - 'pretty' will only hold your attention for so long).
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I really didn't plan on building web pages for other people - it just, well, happened.
I had created a section of my own web site that focused on a local shop where my miniatures are sold. The shop owner liked it, and asked me to do her own web site. After saying, 'Thank you for the compliments, but I don't design web pages for other people" several times, I thought to myself, "Wait! Maybe you do do that!" And so, now - for what it's worth - I do.
Eye Catching (The Lo-Tech Way)...
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As I mentioned above, I use my WebTV most of the time I'm on the internet (although I now have a computer for much of my page building work). Because of this I am careful to try and create pages which look good and function well for both the computer & WebTV visitor (see the 'crash' note in a previous section). For that reason, I am not heavily into java & the like. Instead I try and provide visual interest with graphics and layout and the occassional annimation. My aim is to make the pages I create interesting - in a lo-tech sort of way.
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I invite you to view some of the samples of my work. I you like what you see and feel that I could be of some help in setting up your site, you can check out my pricing and contact me...
If what I have to offer interests you, I look forward to hearing from you. If not, there are no hard feelings... To each his own & good luck with your web site! Always, Bill Springer
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