WebTV Tutorial
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WebTv Gif

  1. Since the webpage building resources list
    is referenced from various locations within
    my site, I have created a centralized repository
    for this information so that the information
    will always be udated no matter where it is
    accessed from.
  2. The resources have been divided into four
    separate categories. Some sites may be listed
    in more than one category since they offer
    help in more than one area of webpage building.
  3. The 'Coding' section will include links
    to sites which cover basic html as well as
    java, tables & more.
  4. Some of the sites listed were created specifically
    to be helpful to webtv-ers, but nearly all will
    offer help for any webpage builder...

WebTv Gif

WebTv Gif

WebTv Gif

WebTv Gif

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